The Effect of EPS and ROA on BTPN Syariah Stock Price Movements in 2018-2021

Aly Muhammad Azmi, Reza Pahlevi, Muttoin Muttoin, Erlangga Anggara Mukti


This study aims to determine the effect of EPS and ROA on price of BTPN Syariah’s stock in 2018-2021. The data analysis method use is multiple regression model. The data used in this research is secondary data gathered from Indonesia Stock Exchange and company website. The analyticl tool used in this study is SPSS 23. The result of the studies explained that earning per share (EPS) partially does have a positive-significant effect on stock prices. Meanwhile, return on asset (ROA) partially does have a negative-significat effect on stock prices. In addition, earning per share (EPS) and return on asset (ROA) simultaneously does have a significants effect on stock prices.

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