Analysis of the Use of CBDC in Indonesia's Economic Improvement

Prayoga Wicaksana, Prayoga Tri Yunanto, Muchammad Irfan Maulana Rosandi


A transformation is certain to have causes and impacts in it’s implementation, especially in a transaction activity that initially used cash transactions to use non-cash transactions. In non-cash transactions, it can be interpreted that the money used for transactions is in the form of digital money or non-physical money, which can only be run a technological device. This digital money is stored by the Central Bank, so the level of security is good. This journal provides meaning and outlines to readers related to finance on the topic of Central Bank Digital Curriences (CBDC) or Central Bank Digital Curriencies. These innovations are interconnected and a complex thing occurs between two equally dynamic things. It can be understood in the discussion regarding the explanation of the concept, model and role od the CBDC as well as the role of the Central Bank in the implementation of this innovation. A digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to requlate the creation of currency units and verify the transer of funds, operating independently of the Central Bank. The author of this journel uses a qualitative descriptive research method because the title raised is still minimal in publication, so the author adds a CBDC with different matters and discussions with different point of view. This CBDC-related discussion covers digital money transaction activities, efficiency and CBDC implementation in Indonesia. The existence of this innovation is quite influential in improving the economy in Indonesia because it’s efficiency is able to make it easier for consumers to transact instead of using cash.

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