Increasing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Human Resources in Realizing the Company's Vision

Tri Wahyuningsih, Rina Rachmawati, Rini Widiastuti, Latifah Ramadhani, Yuli Eka Candinata


Management as a form of economics plays a very important role in the successful management of an organization or company. The application of management in a company or organization has an impact on increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of resources in order to achieve the goals or vision of the company or organization. Islam as the majority religion in Indonesia provides color in every aspect of social life in terms of religion, social and economy. Conventional economic principles tend to place only worldly things but are not too oriented towards fulfilling spiritual needs. In contrast to the Islamic Economic System which applies Human Resource Management based on harmony and balance between needs to do material and human ethics. The economic system in Islam does not ignore the main characteristics of human progress, which depends on the extent of harmony between the moral and material aspects of human life.

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