Islamic Consumer Behavior in Purchasing Bags for ITB AAS Indonesia Students Surakarta

Amelia Koneawati, Ayna Sekar Hutami, Fira Agustina, Nurul Novita Sari, Zulkifli Rasyid


Consumption is an activity that can directly use goods or services to meet human needs by the goal of obtaining satisfaction which can result in depleting the use value goods or services. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of bag purchases made by ITB AAS Surakarta students, and the factors that influence encourage buying behavior, as well as its analysis in terms of consumption Islam. The research method used in this research is research qualitative with descriptive analysis and sampling technique using quota random sampling. The research results obtained are concluded that the consumption of bag products by ITB AAS Surakarta students is used to shop without thinking about needs but wants factors .The factors that drive this behavior consist of 2 internal factors and external factors. Seeing from the consumption behavior of bag products carried out by ITB AAS student Surakarta, is not in accordance with the rules and meanings in Islamic consumption. Where in Islam, consumption aims to increase obedience to worship and meet the necessities of life. Even though a Muslim is able to fulfill third or complementary needs, Islam still does not recommend, even prohibit excessive spending and seem luxurious.

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